Shop: Vision Therapy Kit

Train your Vision..Move Faster

Vision Therapy Kit

Anthony has put together an affordable Vision Therapy Kit ensuring you have the tools you need, all the time.

The Vision Therapy Kit has everything you need to enhance Visual Abilities and Cognitive Skills.

Kit Contains:

Free delivery anywhere in Australia.

Once purchased, instructions on how to use and implement the Vision Kit will be emailed.

The Neuro Vision Charts (Set of 12) will be sent in PDF format (Best printed at 50cm x 50cm)

Anthony is the proud exclusive Australian distributor of the Vector Ball S, Vision Sticks and Neuro Vision Charts.


Free Delivery

R E V O L U T I O N A R Y!

Worth every dime…. you can’t get a better, cost efficient mental training tool

Simple as that. I’m a sports and performance excellence specialist and this ball makes my job significantly easier.

The owner of the ball is incredibly knowledgeable. This ball is backed on science and will be one of the pioneering cognitive training tools for this upcoming generation of athletes.

Mental skills training is the new wave, and this ball is, and will be, the staple of my practice.


It’s easy to see Anthony loves his job and genuinely wants to help his clients. He brings a sense of humour and a huge amount of knowledge to his sessions. I would highly recommend Anthony to anyone looking for a functional movement specialist.


Certified Vision Training Coach Certificate for Anthony Goldsmith