Services: Pain Management

I have the expertise to take you where you want to be.
Your health and wellbeing is my priority.

What is Pain Management?

Pain management is the reduction of pain. It covers a wide variety of conditions, including neuropathic pain, sciatica, postoperative pain, and more.

My qualifications

  • Heartmath Clinical Certification for Stress Anxiety and Self Regulation.
  • The Trophic Factor: Central Sensitisation and Chronic Pain.
  • Certificate in Pain Assessment and Management.
  • ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) for Chronic Pain.
  • ZHealth: The Breathing Gym – Brain Based Breathing Strategies for Improved Performance and Pain Relief.

It’s easy to see Anthony loves his job and genuinely wants to help his clients. He brings a sense of humour and a huge amount of knowledge to his sessions. I would highly recommend Anthony to anyone looking for a functional movement specialist.


Book an Online Video Consultation

Let me connect with you with an online video consultation using any device with a camera:

  • Phone
  • Tablet
  • Laptop

The online video consultation will give me a better understanding of your injury / condition. 

I will be able to tailor a treatment to help improve you physically and physiologically.

The online video consultation is a good alternative if you are unable to attend the clinic.