Services: Balance And Gait Assessment

I have the expertise to take you where you want to be.
Your health and wellbeing is my priority.

What is Balance And Gait Assessment ?

Both gait and balance evaluations are useful in identifying areas of impairment so that safe and proficient function and mobility can be restored.

My qualifications

  • CFPS (Certified Fall Prevention Specialist).
  • Gait Analysis and Retraining.
  • Balance Evaluation and Treatment -Level 1 & 2.
  • Evaluating and Treating SLS-Short Leg Syndrome.
  • 60 minute session
  • $160 per session

Thanks to Anthony’s expertise, my bouts of dizziness, vertigo and nausea have disappeared, and my life has returned to normal.


What is Gait Assessment?

Gait or walking is a coordinated action of the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems.


The coordination of muscle contraction, joint movement, and sensory perception allows the human body to move in the environment.


Individuals with neuromuscular and/or musculoskeletal involvement may have abnormal or inappropriate muscle activation, joint motion, or sensory perception. The result may be decreased mobility and function and altered gait


Gait assessment is important to help identify areas of impairment. The goals of therapy are to minimize functional loss, restore mobility, and promote safety. Balance is the ability to sit, stand, or walk safely without postural deviation, falling, or reaching for external items for support.

It’s easy to see Anthony loves his job and genuinely wants to help his clients. He brings a sense of humour and a huge amount of knowledge to his sessions. I would highly recommend Anthony to anyone looking for a functional movement specialist.


What is Balance Assessment?

Balance, like gait, is a coordinated response of the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems, as well as vision and sensory perception. Vestibular and cortico-cerebellar levels in the brain are also involved in maintaining stability.


Balance assessment is used to evaluate the patient’s ability to maintain appropriate posture during functional activities. It is usually evaluated statically and dynamically. The goal of gait assessment is to evaluate walking in an effort to isolate dysfunction. Areas of impairment may include muscle weakness, loss of joint range, incoordination, or poor postural control.


During balance assessment, a patient’s stability during activities is evaluated to identify areas of impairment, the reason for impairment, and the effect on function.